Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Multi-Donor Trust Funds to improve aid effectiveness in the UN system

 The UN Development Group unites the 32 UN funds, programmes, agencies, departments, and offices of the UN system playing a role in development. The common objective of the UNDG is to deliver more coherent, effective and efficient support to countries seeking to attain internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.

New financing modalities have been implemented by the UN bodies to best serve the interests of the beneficiary countries, especially  those affected by conflict and disasters. Donors have been exploring a range of possibilities, including Multi-Donor Trust Funds (MDTFs). 
The increasing use of this funding mechanism responds to the need to provide flexible, coordinated and predictable funding to support the achievement of national and global priorities such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the application of the Aid Effectiveness Agenda and the UN Reform initiative "Delivering as One".
MDTFs can be classified into three major categories:

  • Trust Funds that respond to disasters.
  • Trust Funds targeted for particular global development goal or set of goals.
  • Trust Funds focusing on the humanitarian needs of a specific country. 
Where the funds are goingWhere the funds are coming from

Further readings:

Official Reports from the United Nations:
Discussion Note. Strengthening the system-wide funding architecture of operational activities of the. United Nations for development 

Publications available on Amazon
Joint Evaluation of the UNDG Contribution to the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
Better Aid Aid Effectiveness: A Progress Report on Implementing the Paris Declaration
Paris in Bogota: Applying the Aid Effectiveness Agenda in Colombia (IDS Working Paper)
Trust Funds under International Law: Trustee Obligations of the United Nations and International Development Banks